Source code for cdp_scrapers.scraper_utils

from __future__ import annotations

import json
import re
import sys
from copy import deepcopy
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from itertools import chain, filterfalse, groupby
from logging import getLogger
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, NamedTuple

import cleantext
import pytz
from cdp_backend.database.constants import RoleTitle
from cdp_backend.pipeline.ingestion_models import (
from cdp_backend.utils.constants_utils import get_all_class_attr_values

from .types import PersonsComparison, ScraperStaticData


log = getLogger(__name__)


[docs] def reduced_list(input_list: list[Any], collapse: bool = True) -> list | None: """ Remove all None items from input_list. Parameters ---------- input_list: List[Any] Input list from which to filter out items that are None collapse: bool, default = True If True, return None in place of an empty list Returns ------- reduced_list: Optional[List] All items in the original list except for None values. None if all items were None and collapse is True. """ filtered = [item for item in input_list if item is not None] if collapse and len(filtered) == 0: filtered = None return filtered
[docs] def str_simplified(input_str: str) -> str: """ Remove leading and trailing whitespaces, simplify multiple whitespaces, unify newline characters. Parameters ---------- input_str: str The string to be cleaned. Returns ------- cleaned: str input_str stripped if it is a string """ if not isinstance(input_str, str): return input_str input_str = cleantext.clean( input_str, fix_unicode=True, lower=False, to_ascii=False ) # Replace utf-8 char encodings with single utf-8 chars themselves input_str = input_str.encode("utf-8").decode("utf-8") return input_str
[docs] def parse_static_person( # noqa: C901 person_json: dict[str, Any], all_seats: dict[str, Seat], primary_bodies: dict[str, Body], timezone: pytz.timezone, ) -> Person: """ Parse Dict[str, Any] for a person in static data file to a Person instance. person_json["seat"] and person_json["roles"] are validated against all_seats and primary_bodies in static data file. Parameters ---------- person_json: Dict[str, Any] A dictionary in static data file with info for a Person. all_seats: Dict[str, Seat] Seats defined as top-level in static data file primary_bodies: Dict[str, Body] Bodies defined as top-level in static data file. timezone: str The timezone for the target client. i.e. "America/Los_Angeles" or "America/New_York" See for canonical timezones. See Also -------- parse_static_file sanitize_roles """ log.debug(f"Begin parsing static data for {person_json['name']}") # "seat" and "roles" are not direct serializations of Seat/Role kwargs = {k: v for k, v in person_json.items() if k != "seat" and k != "roles"} person: Person = Person(**kwargs) if "seat" not in person_json: log.debug("Seat name not given") return person seat_name: str = person_json["seat"] if seat_name not in all_seats: log.error(f"{seat_name} is not defined in top-level 'seats'") return person # Keep all_seats unmodified; we will append Roles to this below = deepcopy(all_seats[seat_name]) if "roles" not in person_json: log.debug("Roles not given") return person # Role.title must be a RoleTitle constant so get all allowed values role_titles: list[str] = get_all_class_attr_values(RoleTitle) for role_json in person_json["roles"]: if ( # if str, it is looked-up in primary_bodies isinstance(role_json["body"], str) and role_json["body"] not in primary_bodies ): log.error( f"{role_json} is ignored. " f"{role_json['body']} is not defined in top-level 'primary_bodies'" ) elif role_json["title"] not in role_titles: log.error( f"{role_json} is ignored. " f"{role_json['title']} is not a RoleTitle constant." ) else: kwargs = {k: v for k, v in role_json.items() if k != "body"} try: log.debug(f"{kwargs} -> {Role.from_dict(kwargs)}") except Exception: pass else:"We can resume using from_dict ({sys.version_info})") dt_val = kwargs.get("start_datetime") kwargs["start_datetime"] = ( dt_val if dt_val is None else timezone.localize(datetime.fromtimestamp(dt_val)) ) dt_val = kwargs.get("end_datetime") kwargs["end_datetime"] = ( dt_val if dt_val is None else timezone.localize(datetime.fromtimestamp(dt_val)) ) role: Role = Role(**kwargs) if isinstance(role_json["body"], str): role.body = primary_bodies[role_json["body"]] else: # This role.body is a dictionary and defines a non-primary one # e.g. like a committee such as Transportation # that is not the main/full council kwargs = role_json["body"] role.body = Body(**kwargs) if is None: = [role] else: return person
[docs] def parse_static_file(file_path: Path, timezone: str) -> ScraperStaticData: """ Parse Seats, Bodies and Persons from static data JSON. Parameters ---------- file_path: Path Path to file containing static data in JSON timezone: str The timezone for the target client. i.e. "America/Los_Angeles" or "America/New_York" See for canonical timezones. Returns ------- ScraperStaticData: Tuple[Dict[str, Seat], Dict[str, Body], Dict[str, Person]] See Also -------- parse_static_person sanitize_roles Notes ----- Function looks for "seats", "primary_bodies", "persons" top-level keys """ with open(file_path) as static_file: static_json: dict[str, dict[str, Any]] = json.load(static_file) if "seats" not in static_json: seats: dict[str, Seat] = {} else: seats: dict[str, Seat] = { seat_name: Seat(**seat) for seat_name, seat in static_json["seats"].items() } if "primary_bodies" not in static_json: primary_bodies: dict[str, Body] = {} else: primary_bodies: dict[str, Body] = { body_name: Body(**body) for body_name, body in static_json["primary_bodies"].items() } if "persons" not in static_json: known_persons: dict[str, Person] = {} else: timezone = pytz.timezone(timezone) known_persons: dict[str, Person] = { person_name: parse_static_person( person, seats, primary_bodies, timezone ) for person_name, person in static_json["persons"].items() } log.debug( f"ScraperStaticData parsed from {file_path}:\n" f" seats: {list(seats.keys())}\n" f" primary_bodies: {list(primary_bodies.keys())}\n" f" persons: {list(known_persons.keys())}\n" ) return ScraperStaticData( seats=seats, primary_bodies=primary_bodies, persons=known_persons )
[docs] def sanitize_roles( # noqa: C901 person_name: str, roles: list[Role] | None = None, static_data: ScraperStaticData | None = None, council_pres_patterns: list[str] | None = None, chair_patterns: list[str] | None = None, ) -> list[Role] | None: """ 1. Standardize roles[i].title to RoleTitle constants 2. Ensure only 1 councilmember Role per term. Parameters ---------- person_name: str Sanitization target roles: Optional[List[Role]] = None target Person's Roles to sanitize static_data: Optional[ScraperStaticData] Static data defining primary council bodies and predefined See Notes. council_pres_patterns: List[str] Set roles[i].title as "Council President" if match and roles[i].body is a primary body like City Council chair_patterns: List[str] Set roles[i].title as "Chair" if match and roles[i].body is not a primary body Notes ----- Remove roles[#] if roles[#].body in static_data.primary_bodies. Use static_data.persons[#].seat.roles instead. If roles[i].body not in static_data.primary_bodies, roles[i].title cannot be "Councilmember" or "Council President". Use "City Council" and "Council Briefing" if static_data.primary_bodies is empty. """ if roles is None: roles = [] if council_pres_patterns is None: council_pres_patterns = ["chair", "pres", "super"] if chair_patterns is None: chair_patterns = ["chair", "pres"] if not static_data or not static_data.primary_bodies: # Primary/full council not defined in static data file. # these are reasonably good defaults for most municipalities. primary_body_names = ["city council", "council briefing"] else: primary_body_names = [ body_name.lower() for body_name in static_data.primary_bodies.keys() ] try: have_primary_roles = len(static_data.persons[person_name].seat.roles) > 0 except (KeyError, AttributeError, TypeError): have_primary_roles = False def _is_role_period_ok(role: Role) -> bool: """Test that role.[start | end]_datetime is acceptable.""" if role.start_datetime is None or role.end_datetime is None: return False if not have_primary_roles: # no roles in static data; accept if this this role is current return role.start_datetime.astimezone( pytz.utc ) <= and pytz.utc ) <= role.end_datetime.astimezone( pytz.utc ) # accept if role coincides with one given in static data for static_role in static_data.persons[person_name].seat.roles: if ( static_role.start_datetime <= role.start_datetime and role.end_datetime <= static_role.end_datetime ): return True return False def _is_primary_body(role: Role) -> bool: """Is role.body one of primary_bodies in static data file.""" return ( role.body is not None and is not None and str_simplified( in primary_body_names ) def _fix_primary_title(role: Role) -> str: """Council president or Councilmember.""" if ( role.title is None or "|".join(council_pres_patterns), str_simplified(role.title), re.I ) is None ): return RoleTitle.COUNCILMEMBER return RoleTitle.COUNCILPRESIDENT def _fix_nonprimary_title(role: Role) -> str: """Not council president or councilmember.""" if role.title is None: return RoleTitle.MEMBER role_title = str_simplified(role.title).lower() # Role is not for a primary/full council # Role.title cannot be Councilmember or Council President if "vice" in role_title: return RoleTitle.VICE_CHAIR if "alt" in role_title: return RoleTitle.ALTERNATE if "super" in role_title: return RoleTitle.SUPERVISOR if"|".join(chair_patterns), role_title, re.I) is not None: return RoleTitle.CHAIR return RoleTitle.MEMBER def _is_councilmember_term(role: Role) -> bool: return ( role.title == RoleTitle.COUNCILMEMBER and role.start_datetime is not None and role.end_datetime is not None ) roles = list( # drop dynamically scraped primary roles # if primary roles are given in static data filterfalse( lambda role: have_primary_roles and _is_primary_body(role), # filter out bad start_datetime, end_datetime filter(_is_role_period_ok, roles), ) ) # standardize titles for role in filter(_is_primary_body, roles): role.title = _fix_primary_title(role) for role in filterfalse(_is_primary_body, roles): role.title = _fix_nonprimary_title(role) class CouncilMemberTerm(NamedTuple): start_datetime: datetime end_datetime: datetime index_in_roles: int # when checking for overlapping terms, we should do so per body. # e.g. simultaneous councilmember roles in city council and in council briefing # are completely acceptable and common. scraped_member_roles_by_body: list[list[Role]] = [ list(roles_for_body) for body_name, roles_for_body in groupby( sorted( filter( # get all dynamically scraped councilmember terms lambda role: not have_primary_roles and _is_councilmember_term(role), roles, ), # sort from old to new role key=lambda role: (, role.start_datetime, role.end_datetime, ), ), # group by body key=lambda role:, ) ] if have_primary_roles: # don't forget to include info from the static data file roles.extend(static_data.persons[person_name].seat.roles) if len(scraped_member_roles_by_body) == 0: # no Councilmember roles dynamically scraped # nothing more to do return roles for roles_for_body in scraped_member_roles_by_body: for i in [i for i, role in enumerate(roles_for_body) if i > 0]: prev_role = roles_for_body[i - 1] this_role = roles_for_body[i] # if member role i overlaps with member role j, end i before j if prev_role.end_datetime > this_role.start_datetime: roles[ roles.index(prev_role) ].end_datetime = this_role.start_datetime - timedelta(days=1) return roles
[docs] def extract_persons(events): """ Get all sponsors and voters across all events. Parameters ---------- events: list[EventIngestionModel] Scraped events Returns ------- list[Person] Unique list of all sponsors and voters found """ def extract_sponsors(event_item): sponsors = event_item.matter.sponsors if event_item.matter else [] sponsors = sponsors or [] sponsors = reduced_list(sponsors, collapse=False) return sponsors def extract_voters(event_item): votes = event_item.votes or [] voters = [v.person for v in votes] voters = reduced_list(voters, collapse=False) return voters events = reduced_list(events, collapse=False) items = [e.event_minutes_items or [] for e in events] items = chain.from_iterable(items) items = reduced_list(items, collapse=False) sponsors = map(extract_sponsors, items) sponsors = chain.from_iterable(sponsors) voters = map(extract_voters, items) voters = chain.from_iterable(voters) persons = chain(sponsors, voters) persons = { p for p in persons} persons = list(persons.values()) return persons
[docs] def compare_persons( scraped_persons, known_persons, primary_bodies ) -> PersonsComparison: """ Look for old and new councilmembers. Parameters ---------- scraped_persons: list[Person] e.g. from extract_persons known_persons: list[Person] e.g. from ScraperStaticData primary_bodies: list[Body] e.g. from ScraperStaticData Returns ------- PersonsComparison Old and new councilmember names """ def holds_primary_role(person): roles = if and else [] active_roles = filter( lambda r: r.end_datetime is None or <=, roles, ) body_names = [ if r.body else None for r in active_roles] body_names = reduced_list(body_names, collapse=False) primary_body_names = filter(lambda b: in body_names, primary_bodies) return any(primary_body_names) active_persons = list(filter(lambda p: p and p.is_active, scraped_persons)) primary_persons = list(filter(holds_primary_role, active_persons)) names = { for p in primary_persons} known_names = { for p in known_persons} old_names = list(known_names - names) new_names = list(names - known_names) return PersonsComparison(old_names, new_names)
[docs] class IngestionModelScraper: """ Base class for events scrapers providing IngestionModels for cdp-backend pipeline. Parameters ---------- timezone: str The timezone for the target client. i.e. "America/Los_Angeles" or "America/New_York" See for canonical timezones. person_aliases: Optional[Dict[str, Set[str]]] Dictionary used to catch name aliases and resolve improperly different Persons to the one correct Person. Default: None """ def __init__( self, timezone: str, person_aliases: dict[str, set[str]] | None = None, ): self.timezone: pytz.timezone = pytz.timezone(timezone) self.person_aliases = person_aliases
[docs] @staticmethod def find_time_zone() -> str: """ Return name for a US time zone matching UTC offset calculated from OS clock. """ utc_now = pytz.utc.localize(datetime.utcnow()) local_now = for zone_name in pytz.country_timezones("us"): zone = pytz.timezone(zone_name) # if this is my time zone # utc_now as local time should be VERY close to local_now if ( abs( ( utc_now.astimezone(zone) - zone.localize(local_now) ).total_seconds() ) < 5 ): return zone_name return None
[docs] def localize_datetime(self, local_time: datetime) -> datetime: """ Return input datetime with time zone information. This allows for nonambiguous conversions to other zones including UTC. Parameters ---------- local_time: datetime The datetime to attached timezone information to. Returns ------- local_time: datetime The date and time attributes (year, month, day, hour, ...) remain unchanged. tzinfo is now provided. """ try: return self.timezone.localize(local_time) except (AttributeError, ValueError): # AttributeError: time_zone or local_time is None # ValueError: local_time is not navie (has time zone info) return local_time
[docs] @staticmethod def get_required_attrs(model: IngestionModel) -> list[str]: """ Return list of keys required in model as specified in IngestionModel class definition. Parameters ---------- model: IngestionModel Person, MinutesItem, etc. Returns ------- attr_keys: List[str] List of keys (attributes) in model without default value in class definition. """ try: # create an empty one to have python tell us what keys are required model.__class__() # all attrs in model have default values return [] except TypeError as e: # e.g. __init__() missing 3 required positional arguments: # 'session_datetime', 'video_uri', and 'session_index' match = r"missing (?P<num_keys>\d+) required.+argument(?:s)?\:\s*(?P<keys>.+)", str(e), ) if not match: log.debug(f"not able to get required attributes for {model.__class__}") return [] num_keys = int("num_keys")) # 'session_datetime', 'video_uri', and 'session_index' # -> ["session_datetime", "video_uri", "session_index"] # SHOULD be able to do this more elegantly using re.split() # but couldn't quite get the pattern right keys = re.sub( # TypeError uses # , and # and # , # as delimiters for attribute names r"(\s*,\s*and\s*)|(\s*and\s*)|(\s*,\s*)", ",","keys").strip().replace("'", ""), ).split(",") if num_keys != len(keys): log.debug(f"{model.__class__} has {num_keys} required keys but got {keys}") return keys
[docs] def get_none_if_empty(self, model: IngestionModel) -> IngestionModel | None: """ Check required keys in model, return None if any such key has no value. i.e. If all required keys have valid value, return as-is. Parameters ---------- model: IngestionModel Person, MinutesItem, etc. Returns ------- model: Optional[IngestionModel] None or model as-is """ try: min_keys = self.min_ingestion_keys[model.__class__] except AttributeError: # first time using min_ingestion_keys self.min_ingestion_keys = {} min_keys = None except KeyError: # first time checking model.__class__ min_keys = None if min_keys is None: min_keys = IngestionModelScraper.get_required_attrs(model) # cache so we don't do expensive dynamic checking # again for this IngestionModel self.min_ingestion_keys[model.__class__] = min_keys if not min_keys: # no required keys for this model # this probably never happens return model for key in min_keys: try: val = getattr(model, key) # "if not" test to catch all None and None-like values # e.g. empty string, empty list, ... # but int(0) is not "empty" if not val and not isinstance(val, int): # empty value for this key in model return None except AttributeError: return None # nonempty value for all required keys in model return model
[docs] def resolve_person_alias(self, person: Person) -> Person: """ If input person is in fact an alias of a reference known person, return the reference person instead. Else return person as-is. Parameters ---------- person: Person Person to check whether is an alias or a real unique Person Returns ------- Person input person, or the correct reference Person if input person is an alias. This base implementation always returns person as-is. See Also -------- instances.seattle.person_aliases """ return person
[docs] def handle_old_new_council( self, old_names: list[str], new_names: list[str] ) -> None: """ Override to handle old and new councilmember information. Parameters ---------- old_names: list[str] e.g. from scraper_utils.compare_persons new_names: list[str] e.g. from scraper_utils.compare_persons Notes ----- Base implementation simply logs """ if any(old_names):"{old_names} are no longer found in scraped data") if any(new_names): log.warning(f"{new_names} are new. Update self.static_data.persons.")