
class cdp_scrapers.legistar_utils.LegistarScraper(client: str, timezone: str, ignore_minutes_item_patterns: list[str] | None = None, vote_approve_pattern: str = 'approve|favor|yes', vote_abstain_pattern: str = 'abstain|refuse|refrain', vote_reject_pattern: str = 'reject|oppose|no', vote_absent_pattern: str = 'absent', vote_nonvoting_pattern: str = 'nv|(?:non.*voting)', matter_adopted_pattern: str = 'approved|confirmed|passed|adopted|consent|(?:voted.*com+it+ee)', matter_in_progress_pattern: str = 'heard|read|filed|held|(?:in.*com+it+ee)', matter_rejected_pattern: str = 'rejected|dropped', minutes_item_decision_passed_pattern: str = 'pass', minutes_item_decision_failed_pattern: str = 'not|fail', static_data: ScraperStaticData | None = None, person_aliases: dict[str, set[str]] | None = None, role_replacements: dict[str, str] | None = None)[source]

Base class for transforming Legistar API data to CDP IngestionModel.

If get_events() naively fails and raises an error, a given installation must define a derived class and implement the get_content_uris() function.

client: str

Legistar client name, e.g. “seattle” for Seattle, “kingcounty” for King County.

timezone: str

The timezone for the target client. i.e. “America/Los_Angeles” or “America/New_York” See for canonical timezones.

ignore_minutes_item_patterns: List[str]

A list of string patterns or substrings to act as a minutes item filter. Any item in the provided list will be compiled as a regex string and any minute’s item that contains the compiled pattern will be filtered out of the produced CDP minutes item list. Default: [] (do not filter any minutes items)

vote_approve_pattern: str

Regex pattern used to convert Legistar instance’s votes in approval value to CDP constant value. Default: “approve|favor|yes”

vote_abstain_pattern: str

Regex pattern used to convert Legistar instance’s abstension value to CDP constant value. Note, this is a pure abstension, not an “approval by abstention” or “rejection by abstension” value. Those should be places in vote_approve_pattern and vote_reject_pattern respectively. Default: “abstain|refuse|refrain”

vote_reject_pattern: str

Regex pattern used to convert Legistar instance’s votes in rejection value to CDP constant value. Default: “reject|oppose|no”

vote_absent_pattern: str

Regex pattern used to convert Legistar instance’s excused absense value to CDP constant value. Default: “absent”

vote_nonvoting_pattern: str

Regex pattern used to convert Legistar instance’s non-voting value to CDP constant value. Default: “nv|(?:non.*voting)”

matter_adopted_pattern: str

Regex pattern used to convert Legistar instance’s matter was adopted to CDP constant value. Default: “approved|confirmed|passed|adopted”

matter_in_progess_pattern: str

Regex pattern used to convert Legistar instance’s matter is in-progress to CDP constant value. Default: “heard|ready|filed|held|(?:ins*committee)”

matter_rejected_pattern: str

Regex pattern used to convert Legistar instance’s matter was rejected to CDP constant value. Default: “rejected|dropped”

minutes_item_decision_passed_pattern: str

Regex pattern used to convert Legistar instance’s minutes item passage to CDP constant value. Default: “pass”

minutes_item_decision_failed_pattern: str

Regex pattern used to convert Legistar instance’s minutes item failure to CDP constant value. Default: “not|fail”

static_data: Optional[ScraperStaticData]

predefined Seats, Bodies and Persons used to provide more accurate

person_aliases: Optional[Dict[str, Set[str]]]

Dictionary used to catch name aliases and resolve improperly unique Persons to the one correct Person. Default: None

role_replacements: Optional[Dict[str, str]]

Dictionary used to replace role titles with CDP standard role titles. The keys should be titles you want to replace and the values should be a CDP standard role. Default: None

__init__(client: str, timezone: str, ignore_minutes_item_patterns: list[str] | None = None, vote_approve_pattern: str = 'approve|favor|yes', vote_abstain_pattern: str = 'abstain|refuse|refrain', vote_reject_pattern: str = 'reject|oppose|no', vote_absent_pattern: str = 'absent', vote_nonvoting_pattern: str = 'nv|(?:non.*voting)', matter_adopted_pattern: str = 'approved|confirmed|passed|adopted|consent|(?:voted.*com+it+ee)', matter_in_progress_pattern: str = 'heard|read|filed|held|(?:in.*com+it+ee)', matter_rejected_pattern: str = 'rejected|dropped', minutes_item_decision_passed_pattern: str = 'pass', minutes_item_decision_failed_pattern: str = 'not|fail', static_data: ScraperStaticData | None = None, person_aliases: dict[str, set[str]] | None = None, role_replacements: dict[str, str] | None = None)[source]


__init__(client, timezone[, ...])


Test if can obtain at least one minimally defined EventIngestionModel.

date_and_time_to_datetime(ev_date, ev_time)

Return datetime from ev_date and ev_time.


Return None if contains unimportant text that we want to ignore.


Return name for a US time zone matching UTC offset calculated from OS clock.

fix_event_minutes(ev_minutes_item, ...)

Inspect the MinutesItem and Matter in ev_minutes_item.


Return CDP Body for Legistar body.


Must implement in class derived from LegistarScraper.


Return List[EventMinutesItem] for Legistar API EventItems.


Return List[SupportingFile] for Legistar API MatterAttachments.

get_events([begin, end])

Calls get_legistar_events_for_timespan to retrieve Legistar API data and return as List[EventIngestionModel].


Return Matter from Legistar API EventItem.


Return appropriate MatterStatusDecision constant from EventItemMatterStatus.


Return MinutesItem from parts of Legistar API EventItem.


Return appropriate EventMinutesItemDecision constant from EventItemPassedFlagName.


Check required keys in model, return None if any such key has no value.


Return CDP Person for Legistar Person.


Return list of keys required in model as specified in IngestionModel class definition.


Return list of CDP Role from list of legistar OfficeRecord.


Get legislation sponsors.


Return appropriate VoteDecision constant based on Legistar Vote.


Return List[Vote] for Legistar API Votes.

handle_old_new_council(old_names, new_names)

Override to handle old and new councilmember information.


Augment with long-term static data that changes very infrequently.


Inject information if person exists in static_data.persons.


Return input datetime with time zone information.


Called at the end of get_events() for fully custom site-specific prcessing.


If input person is in fact an alias of a reference known person, return the reference person instead.


Lookup if the provided role title should be replaced with a CDP standard value.



Check that Legistar API recognizes client name.