Notes on LegistarScraper


  • Unimportant EventMinutesItem

        name="This meeting also constitutes a meeting of the City Council, provided ...",
) comes from Legistar EventItem[“EventItemTitle”]. Legistar EventItems will often contain unimportant information, as shown above, that we want to exclude from ingesting into CDP. The ignore_minutes_item_patterns parameter in LegistarScraper defines a List[str] that we want to filter out. ignore_minutes_item_patterns is used in filter_event_minutes(), case-insensitively.

Set the list of filter strings in __init__() of your class derived from LegistarScraper. e.g.

class MyScraper(LegistarScraper):
    def __init__(self):
                "This meeting also constitutes a meeting of the City Council",
                # Common to see "CITY COUNCIL:",
                # Or more generally "{body name}:"
                # Check for last char ":"

With that filter in place, this entire EventMinutesItem becomes None.

  • Empty models

Consider another example such as

EventMinutesItem(decision=None, matter=None, minutes_item=None, supporting_files=[], ...)

which means nothing. get_required_attrs() returns attributes in a given IngestionModel without default values as defined in the respective class definitions. As this is “expensive” dynamic checking, the string lists are cached in min_ingestion_keys. i.e. get_required_attrs() is called just once per IngestionModel type.

For example, because minutes_item is None in the above EventMinutesItem, get_none_if_empty() will return None, instead of the given EventMinutesItem instance as-is.

This filtering is applied bottom-up. e.g.

# this is not exactly how the code is written
# but a representation of the call path

# reduced_list() simply removes None from the list
votes = reduced_list(
        # return None if this Vote is empty
                # return None if this Person is empty,
                # instead of Person(email=None, ...)
        for vote in legistar_votes # Legistar "EventItemVoteInfo"

Legistar to CDP IngestionModel

Here are some notes on what Legistar API fields to use for IngestionModel fields.

  • “Public Comment” isn’t a matter, it is a minutes item. Minutes items are: “something that happened or was discussed during the meeting” while matters are usually the “things that were discussed” which is why minutes can link to matters. “Approval of Agenda” is a minutes item and links to the Matter “Agenda for 2021-07-28”, for example.

Instance-Specific Scraping

In an ideal situation, in your LegistarScraper class you need to provide just the municipality’s Legistar client ID and the time zone. See the MyScraper example above.

You can override and implement your own methods as necessary. For example, the base implementation for get_event_support_files() uses "MatterAttachmentId", "MatterAttachmentName", "MatterAttachmentHyperlink" from Legistar:

    # Legistar "MatterAttachments"
    for attachment in legistar_ev_attachments

You can define and implement get_event_support_files() in your LegistarScraper-derived class to use a completely different mapping for SupportingFile.

Scraping for Session.video_uri

The “big” scraping that an instance will probably have to provide is get_content_uris(). The base class will try to use Legistar “EventVideoPath” but it is likely that information is not filled. In these situations Legistar might point to some external resource, such as a web page hosted somewhere else, that does have URI for the video from the given event. See SeattleScraper.get_content_uris().

Information From Other Sources

In the event that you have information for IngestionModel from some source other than your municipality’s Legistar API, LegistarScraper provides two ways that you can implement completely to your preference. Both are called at the end of get_events() after List[EventIngestionModel] have been scraped for the given time range.

  1. known_persons
    Some of a Person‘s information may not change for a long time, perhaps on the order of years. Examples are Person.picture_uri and LegistarScraper defines known_persons parameter of type Dict[str, Person] where the keys are This dictionary is used in inject_known_person() to “inject” information in the scraped Persons. See the seattle-static.json file and SeattleScraper.__init__() for example usage.

  2. post_process_ingestion_models()
    This is a final, fully-custom method where you can augment and insert any information into the IngestionModels as necessary. The base implemenation simply returns the input List[EventIngestionModel] as-is.

Other Notes

  • Recommend calling legistar_utils.str_simplified() on string fields to remove leading/trailing whitespace and simplify consecutive whitespace.