transcript_file_format.structs.transcript package#


transcript_file_format.structs.transcript.section_annotation module#

class transcript_file_format.structs.transcript.section_annotation.SectionAnnotation(name: str, start_sentence_index: int, stop_sentence_index: int, generator: str, description: str | None = None)[source]#

Bases: Struct

A section or portion of the dialogue, meeting.

I.e. in a meeting of a council or board a “section” of the meeting might be the “Call to Order” section.

description: str | None#
generator: str#
name: str#
start_sentence_index: int#
stop_sentence_index: int#

transcript_file_format.structs.transcript.transcript module#

class transcript_file_format.structs.transcript.transcript.Transcript(sentences: list[Sentence], generator: str | None = None, confidence: float | None = None, session_datetime: str | None = None, created_datetime: str | None = None, annotations: TranscriptAnnotations | None = None)[source]#

Bases: Struct

A transcript object.

Contains list of Sentence objects along with additional metadata.

annotations: TranscriptAnnotations | None#
confidence: float | None#
created_datetime: str | None#
generator: str | None#
sentences: list[Sentence]#
session_datetime: str | None#

transcript_file_format.structs.transcript.transcript_annotations module#

class transcript_file_format.structs.transcript.transcript_annotations.TranscriptAnnotations(sections: list[SectionAnnotation] | None = None, meta: dict[str, str | int | float | bool | dict | list | None] | None = None, custom: dict[str, str | int | float | bool | dict | list | None] | None = None)[source]#

Bases: Struct

Annotations that affect the whole transcript.

custom: dict[str, str | int | float | bool | dict | list | None] | None#
meta: dict[str, str | int | float | bool | dict | list | None] | None#
sections: list[SectionAnnotation] | None#

Module contents#

Transcript structures package for transcript_file_format.