Source code for transcript_file_format.structs.transcript.transcript

#!/usr/bin/env python

from __future__ import annotations

import msgspec

from ..sentence.sentence import Sentence
from .transcript_annotations import TranscriptAnnotations


[docs] class Transcript(msgspec.Struct): """ A transcript object. Contains list of Sentence objects along with additional metadata. """ sentences: list[Sentence] generator: str | None = None confidence: float | None = None session_datetime: str | None = None created_datetime: str | None = None annotations: TranscriptAnnotations | None = None def __repr__(self: Transcript) -> str: """Print shortform version of transcript.""" output = "Transcript(" # Use vars to maintain subclassing for attr in self.__struct_fields__: val = getattr(self, attr) # Truncate sentences if attr == "sentences": output += f"{attr}=[...] (n={len(val)}), " # Add quotes for strings elif type(val) == str: output += f"{attr}='{val}', " else: output += f"{attr}={val}, " # Remove last comma and space and close parentheses return (output[:-2] + ")").strip()