Source code for cdp_data.keywords

#!/usr/bin/env python

import logging
from collections import Counter
from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union

import pandas as pd
from cdp_backend.database import models as db_models
from cdp_backend.pipeline.transcript_model import Transcript
from cdp_backend.utils.string_utils import clean_text
from nltk import ngrams
from nltk.stem import SnowballStemmer
from tqdm import tqdm
from tqdm.contrib.concurrent import process_map

from . import datasets
from .utils import db_utils
from .utils.incremental_average import IncrementalStats

    from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer
    from torch import Tensor


# Logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Constants / Support Classes

class _TranscriptProcessingParams:
    session_id: str
    session_datetime: datetime
    transcript_path: Path


def _stem_n_gram(n_gram: str) -> str:
    # Clean text
    n_gram = clean_text(n_gram, clean_stop_words=True, clean_emojis=True)

    # Raise error for no more text
    if len(n_gram) == 0:
        raise ValueError(f"Provided n_gram ({n_gram}) is empty after cleaning.")

    # Stem
    stemmer = SnowballStemmer("english")

    # Split and stem each
    return " ".join([stemmer.stem(span) for span in n_gram.split()])

[docs] def get_ngram_relevancy_history( ngram: str, strict: bool = False, start_datetime: Optional[Union[str, datetime]] = None, end_datetime: Optional[Union[str, datetime]] = None, infrastructure_slug: Optional[str] = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Pull an n-gram's relevancy history from a CDP database. Parameters ---------- ngram: str The unigram, bigram, or trigram to retrieve history for. strict: bool Should the provided ngram be used for a strict "unstemmed_gram" query or not. Default: False (stem and clean the ngram before querying) start_datetime: Optional[Union[str, datetime]] The earliest possible datetime for ngram history to be retrieved for. If provided as a string, the datetime should be in ISO format. end_datetime: Optional[Union[str, datetime]] The latest possible datetime for ngram history to be retrieved for. If provided as a string, the datetime should be in ISO format. infrastructure_slug: Optional[str] The optional CDP infrastructure slug to connect to. Default: None (you are managing the database connection yourself) Returns ------- ngram_history: pd.DataFrame A pandas DataFrame of all IndexedEventGrams that match the provided ngram query (stemmed or unstemmed). See Also -------- cdp_data.keywords.compute_ngram_usage_history Compute all ngrams usage history for a specific CDP session dataset. Useful for comparing how much discussion is comprised of specific ngrams. Notes ----- This function pulls the TF-IDF (or other future indexed values) score for the provided ngram over time. This is a measure of relevancy to a document and not the same as Google's NGram Viewer which shows what percentage of literature used the term. """ # Connect to infra if infrastructure_slug: db_utils.connect_to_database(infrastructure_slug) # Begin partial query keywords_collection = db_models.IndexedEventGram.collection # TODO: # Add datetime filtering if start_datetime or end_datetime: log.warning("`start_datetime` and `end_datetime` not implemented") # Determine strict query or stemmed query if strict: query = keywords_collection.filter( "unstemmed_gram", "==", ngram, ) else:"Parameter `strict` set to False, stemming query terms...") stemmed_gram = _stem_n_gram(ngram) query = keywords_collection.filter( "stemmed_gram", "==", stemmed_gram, ) # Pull ngram history and cast to dataframe ngram_history = pd.DataFrame([d.to_dict() for d in query.fetch()]) # Add column with original query ngram_history["query_gram"] = ngram # Get event details for each reference # Because we pulled from the index, there should never be duplicate # event calls so we are safe to just apply the whole df # Register `pandas.progress_apply` and `pandas.Series.map_apply`"Attaching event metadata to each ngram history datum") ngram_history = db_utils.load_model_from_pd_columns( ngram_history, join_id_col="id", model_ref_col="event_ref", ) # Unpack event cols ngram_history["event_datetime"] = ngram_history.apply( lambda row: row.event.event_datetime, axis=1, ) return ngram_history
[docs] def fill_history_data_with_zeros( data: pd.DataFrame, ngram_col: str, dt_col: str, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ A utility function to fill ngram history data with zeros for all missing dates. Parameters ---------- data: pd.DataFrame The ngram history data to fill dates for. ngram_col: str The column name for which the "ngram" is stored. dt_col: str The column name for which the datetime is stored. Returns ------- data: pd.DataFrame A DataFrame filled with the original data and filled in with any missing dates with their values being set to zero. See Also -------- cdp_data.plotting.prepare_ngram_history_plotting_data Subsets to plotting only columns and ensures values are sorted and grouped. """ # Fill missing dates with zeros for each query gram def fill_dates(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: return df.reindex( pd.date_range( df.index.min(), df.index.max(), name=dt_col, ), fill_value=0, ) # Set index to the datetime column # Groupby the ngram col # 1. to make it so we don't lose the ngram col value # 2. to make it so we each ngram has their own complete datetime range # Apply the function to add missing dates # Drop the ngram col on the grouped data # Reset the index to ungroup the data by ngram (thus regaining the ngram column) return ( data.set_index(dt_col) .groupby(ngram_col) .apply(fill_dates) .drop(ngram_col, axis=1) .reset_index() )
def _count_transcript_grams( processing_params: _TranscriptProcessingParams, ngram_size: int, strict: bool, ) -> pd.DataFrame: # Load transcript with open(processing_params.transcript_path) as open_f: transcript = Transcript.from_json( # Start a counter counter: Counter = Counter() # For each sentence in transcript, # clean or not (based off strict), # count each cleaned or not gram for sentence in transcript.sentences: # Stopwords removed words = [ clean_text( word.text, clean_stop_words=True, clean_emojis=True, ) for word in sentence.words ] words = [word for word in words if len(word) > 0] # Create ngrams for gram in ngrams(words, ngram_size): if not strict: counter.update([_stem_n_gram(" ".join(gram))]) else: counter.update([" ".join(gram)]) # Convert to dataframe counts = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(counter, orient="index").reset_index() counts = counts.rename(columns={"index": "ngram", 0: "count"}) # Add columns counts["session_id"] = processing_params.session_id counts["session_datetime"] = processing_params.session_datetime return counts def _compute_ngram_usage_history( data: pd.DataFrame, ngram_size: int = 1, strict: bool = False, tqdm_kws: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Compute all ngrams usage history for the provided session dataset. This data can be used to plot how much of a CDP instance's discussion is comprised of specific keywords. Parameters ---------- data: pd.DataFrame The session dataset to process and compute history for. ngram_size: int The ngram size to use for counting and calculating usage. Default: 1 (unigrams) strict: bool Should all ngrams be stemmed or left unstemmed for a more strict usage history. Default: False (stem and clean all grams in the dataset) tqdm_kws: Dict[str, Any] A dictionary with extra keyword arguments to provide to tqdm progress bars. Must not include the `desc` keyword argument. Returns ------- ngram_history: pd.DataFrame A pandas DataFrame of all found ngrams (stemmed and cleaned or unstemmed and uncleaned) from the data and their counts for each session and their percentage of use as a percent of their use for the day over the sum of all other ngrams used that day. """ # Handle default dict if not tqdm_kws: tqdm_kws = {} # Ensure stopwords are downloaded # Do this once to ensure that we don't enter a race condition # with multiple workers trying to download / read overtop one another # later on. try: from nltk.corpus import stopwords stopwords.words("english") except LookupError: import nltk"stopwords")"Downloaded nltk stopwords") from nltk.corpus import stopwords stopwords.words("english") # Construct partial for threaded counter func counter_func = partial( _count_transcript_grams, ngram_size=ngram_size, strict=strict, ) # Count all uni, bi, and trigrams in transcripts counts = pd.concat( process_map( counter_func, [ _TranscriptProcessingParams(, session_datetime=row.session_datetime, transcript_path=row.transcript_path, ) for _, row in data.iterrows() ], desc="Counting ngrams in each transcript", **tqdm_kws, ) ) # Make a column for just date counts["session_date"] = pd.to_datetime(counts["session_datetime"]) # Group by gram and compute combined usage for day counts["day_ngram_count_sum"] = counts.groupby(["ngram", "session_date"])[ "count" ].transform("sum") # Group by date and compute total words for day counts["day_words_count_sum"] = counts.groupby(["session_date"])["count"].transform( "sum" ) # Percent of word usage per day counts["day_ngram_percent_usage"] = ( counts["day_ngram_count_sum"] / counts["day_words_count_sum"] ) * 100 return counts
[docs] def compute_ngram_usage_history( infrastructure_slug: Union[str, List[str]], ngram_size: int = 1, strict: bool = False, start_datetime: Optional[Union[str, datetime]] = None, end_datetime: Optional[Union[str, datetime]] = None, cache_dir: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, raise_on_error: bool = True, tqdm_kws: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Pull the minimal data needed for a session dataset for the provided infrastructure and start and end datetimes, then compute the ngram usage history DataFrame. Parameters ---------- infrastructure_slug: str The CDP infrastructure(s) to connect to and pull sessions for. ngram_size: int The ngram size to use for counting and calculating usage. Default: 1 (unigrams) strict: bool Should all ngrams be stemmed or left unstemmed for a more strict usage history. Default: False (stem and clean all grams in the dataset) start_datetime: Optional[Union[str, datetime]] An optional datetime that the session dataset will start at. Default: None (no datetime beginning bound on the dataset) end_datetime: Optional[Union[str, datetime]] An optional datetime that the session dataset will end at. Default: None (no datetime end bound on the dataset) cache_dir: Optional[Union[str, Path]] An optional directory path to cache the dataset. Directory is created if it does not exist. Default: "./cdp-datasets" raise_on_error: bool Should any failure to pull files result in an error or be ignored. Default: True (raise on any failure) tqdm_kws: Dict[str, Any] A dictionary with extra keyword arguments to provide to tqdm progress bars. Must not include the `desc` keyword argument. Returns ------- gram_usage: pd.DataFrame A pandas DataFrame of all found ngrams (stemmed and cleaned or unstemmed and uncleaned) from the data and their counts for each session and their percentage of use as a percent of their use for the day over the sum of all other ngrams used that day. See Also -------- cdp_data.datasets.get_session_dataset Function to pull or load a cached session dataset. cdp_data.plotting.plot_ngram_usage_histories Plot ngram usage history data. Notes ----- This function calculates the counts and percentage of each ngram used for a day over the sum of all other ngrams used in that day's discussion(s). This is close but not exactly the same as Google's NGram Viewer: This function will pull a new session dataset and cache transcripts to the local disk in the provided (or default) cache directory. It is recommended to cache this dataset after computation because it may take a while depending on machine resources and available. """ # Handle default dict if not tqdm_kws: tqdm_kws = {} # Always cast infrastructure slugs to list for easier API if isinstance(infrastructure_slug, str): infrastructure_slug = [infrastructure_slug] # Create dataframe for all histories gram_usage = [] # Start collecting datasets for each infrastructure for infra_slug in tqdm( infrastructure_slug, desc="Counting ngrams for each infrastructure", **tqdm_kws, ): # Get the dataset"Getting session dataset for {infra_slug}") infra_ds = datasets.get_session_dataset( infrastructure_slug=infra_slug, start_datetime=start_datetime, end_datetime=end_datetime, store_transcript=True, cache_dir=cache_dir, raise_on_error=raise_on_error, tqdm_kws=tqdm_kws, ) # Compute ngram usages for infra"Computing ngram history for {infra_slug}") infra_gram_usage = _compute_ngram_usage_history( infra_ds, ngram_size=ngram_size, strict=strict, tqdm_kws=tqdm_kws, ) infra_gram_usage["infrastructure"] = infra_slug gram_usage.append(infra_gram_usage) # Convert gram histories to single dataframe return pd.concat(gram_usage)
def _compute_transcript_sim_stats( processing_params: _TranscriptProcessingParams, query_vec: "Tensor", model: "SentenceTransformer", ) -> pd.DataFrame: from sentence_transformers.util import cos_sim # Load transcript with open(processing_params.transcript_path) as open_f: transcript = Transcript.from_json( # Create incremental stats for updating mean, min, max inc_stats = IncrementalStats() # For each sentence in transcript, # Embed and calc similarity # Track min, max, and update mean for sentence in transcript.sentences: sentence_enc = model.encode(sentence.text) query_sim = cos_sim( query_vec, sentence_enc ).item() # cos_sim returns a 2d tensor inc_stats.add(query_sim) # Convert to dataframe return pd.DataFrame( [ { "session_id": processing_params.session_id, "session_datetime": processing_params.session_datetime, "similarity_min": inc_stats.current_min, "similarity_max": inc_stats.current_max, "similarity_mean": inc_stats.current_mean, } ] ) def _compute_query_semantic_similarity_history( data: pd.DataFrame, query_vec: "Tensor", model: "SentenceTransformer", tqdm_kws: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: # Handle default dict if not tqdm_kws: tqdm_kws = {} # Construct partial for threaded counter func process_func = partial( _compute_transcript_sim_stats, query_vec=query_vec, model=model, ) # Compute min, max, and mean cos_sim using the sentences # of each transcript sim_stats_list: List[pd.DataFrame] = [] for _, row in tqdm( data.iterrows(), desc="Computing semantic similarity for each transcript", **tqdm_kws, ): sim_stats_list.append( process_func( _TranscriptProcessingParams(, session_datetime=row.session_datetime, transcript_path=row.transcript_path, ), query_vec=query_vec, model=model, ) ) # Concat to single sim_stats = pd.concat(sim_stats_list) # Create day columns sim_stats["session_date"] = pd.to_datetime(sim_stats["session_datetime"]) # Groupby day and get min, max, and mean sim_stats["day_similarity_min"] = sim_stats.groupby(["session_date"])[ "similarity_min" ].transform("min") sim_stats["day_similarity_max"] = sim_stats.groupby(["session_date"])[ "similarity_max" ].transform("max") sim_stats["day_similarity_mean"] = sim_stats.groupby(["session_date"])[ "similarity_mean" ].transform("mean") return sim_stats
[docs] def compute_query_semantic_similarity_history( query: Union[str, List[str]], infrastructure_slug: Union[str, List[str]], start_datetime: Optional[Union[str, datetime]] = None, end_datetime: Optional[Union[str, datetime]] = None, cache_dir: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, embedding_model: str = "msmarco-distilbert-base-v4", raise_on_error: bool = True, tqdm_kws: Union[Dict[str, Any], None] = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Compute the semantic similarity of a query against every sentence of every meeting. The max, min, and mean semantic similarity of each meeting will be returned. Parameters ---------- query: Union[str, List[str]] The query(ies) to compare each sentence against. infrastructure_slug: Union[str, List[str]] The CDP infrastructure(s) to connect to and pull sessions for. start_datetime: Optional[Union[str, datetime]] The earliest possible datetime for ngram history to be retrieved for. If provided as a string, the datetime should be in ISO format. end_datetime: Optional[Union[str, datetime]] The latest possible datetime for ngram history to be retrieved for. If provided as a string, the datetime should be in ISO format. cache_dir: Optional[Union[str, Path]] An optional directory path to cache the dataset. Directory is created if it does not exist. Default: "./cdp-datasets" embedding_model: str The sentence transformers model to use for embedding the query and each sentence. Default: "msmarco-distilbert-base-v4" All embedding models are available here: Select any of the "Models tuned for cosine-similarity".' raise_on_error: bool Should any failure to pull files result in an error or be ignored. Default: True (raise on any failure) tqdm_kws: Dict[str, Any] A dictionary with extra keyword arguments to provide to tqdm progress bars. Must not include the `desc` keyword argument. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame The min, max, and mean semantic similarity for each event as compared to the query for the events within the datetime range. Notes ----- This function requires additional dependencies. Install extra requirements with: `pip install cdp-data[transformers]`. """ try: from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer except ImportError as e: raise ImportError( "This function requires additional dependencies. " "To install required extras, run `pip install cdp-data[transformers]`." ) from e # Handle default dict if not tqdm_kws: tqdm_kws = {} # Always cast query to list for easier API if isinstance(query, str): query = [query] # Always cast infrastructure slugs to list for easier API if isinstance(infrastructure_slug, str): infrastructure_slug = [infrastructure_slug] # Get semantic embedding model = SentenceTransformer(embedding_model) # Create dataframe for all histories semantic_histories = [] # Start collecting datasets for each infrastructure for infra_slug in tqdm( infrastructure_slug, desc="Computing semantic similarity for each infrastructure", **tqdm_kws, ): # Get the dataset"Getting session dataset for {infra_slug}") infra_ds = datasets.get_session_dataset( infrastructure_slug=infra_slug, start_datetime=start_datetime, end_datetime=end_datetime, store_transcript=True, cache_dir=cache_dir, raise_on_error=raise_on_error, tqdm_kws=tqdm_kws, ) for q in tqdm( query, desc="Computing semantic similarlity for each query", **tqdm_kws, ): # Get query embedding query_vec = model.encode(q) # Compute semantic similarity for query"Computing semantic similary history for {infra_slug}") infra_query_semantic_sim_history = ( _compute_query_semantic_similarity_history( data=infra_ds, query_vec=query_vec, model=model, tqdm_kws=tqdm_kws, ) ) infra_query_semantic_sim_history["infrastructure"] = infra_slug infra_query_semantic_sim_history["query"] = q semantic_histories.append(infra_query_semantic_sim_history) # Convert gram histories to single dataframe return pd.concat(semantic_histories)