Source code for cdp_backend.pipeline.ingestion_models

#!/usr/bin/env python

from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime

from dataclasses_json import DataClassJsonMixin


[docs] class IngestionModel: """Base class for IngestionModel type."""
[docs] @dataclass class Person(IngestionModel, DataClassJsonMixin): """ Primarily the council members, this could technically include the mayor or city manager, or any other "normal" presenters and attendees of meetings. Notes ----- If router_string is not provided, and the Person did not exist prior to ingestion, router_string will be generated from name. The email, phone, website will be updated if changed from prior values. The picture will be uploaded or updated in the CDP file storage system. If person is operating under new roles or new seat, new Role and Seat documents will be stored. """ name: str is_active: bool = True router_string: str | None = None email: str | None = None phone: str | None = None website: str | None = None picture_uri: str | None = None seat: Seat | None = None external_source_id: str | None = None
[docs] @dataclass class Vote(IngestionModel, DataClassJsonMixin): """ A reference tying a specific person and an event minutes item together. Notes ----- The in_majority field stored in the database will be calculated from the provided list of votes. """ person: Person decision: str external_source_id: str | None = None
[docs] @dataclass class SupportingFile(IngestionModel, DataClassJsonMixin): """ A file related tied to a matter or minutes item. Notes ----- This file is not stored in the CDP file storage system. """ name: str uri: str external_source_id: str | None = None
[docs] @dataclass class Matter(IngestionModel, DataClassJsonMixin): """ A matter is a specific legislative document. e.g. A bill, resolution, initiative, etc. """ name: str matter_type: str title: str result_status: str | None = None sponsors: list[Person] | None = None external_source_id: str | None = None
[docs] @dataclass class MinutesItem(IngestionModel, DataClassJsonMixin): """ An item referenced during a meeting. This can be a matter but it can be a presentation or budget file, etc. """ name: str description: str | None = None external_source_id: str | None = None
[docs] @dataclass class EventMinutesItem(IngestionModel, DataClassJsonMixin): """ Details about a specific item during an event. Notes ----- If index is not provided, the index will be set to the index of the item in the whole EventMinutesItem list on Event. If matter is provided, the supporting_files will be additionally be stored as MatterFile. """ minutes_item: MinutesItem index: int | None = None matter: Matter | None = None supporting_files: list[SupportingFile] | None = None decision: str | None = None votes: list[Vote] | None = None
[docs] @dataclass class Session(IngestionModel, DataClassJsonMixin): """ A session is a working period for an event. For example, an event could have a morning and afternoon session. Notes ----- video_start_time is a duration relative to the beginning of the video in HH:MM:SS format. It does not affect nor is relative to session_datetime or any other datetime. If the portion of the video relavent to the session begins 37m50s into the full video, video_start_time will be "37:50". An absent start time is equivalent to the beginning of the video, and an absent end time is equivalent to the end of the video, so either can be omitted. """ session_datetime: datetime video_uri: str session_index: int video_start_time: str | None = None video_end_time: str | None = None caption_uri: str | None = None external_source_id: str | None = None def __post_init__(self) -> None: """Operations to run after initialization.""" # validate start/end time pair during ingestion if self.video_start_time and self.video_end_time: # fill in potentially missing hh:mm:s # for flexible input format [h[h:[m[m:[s]]]]]s start = list(map(int, ("00:00:0" + self.video_start_time).split(":"))) end = list(map(int, ("00:00:0" + self.video_end_time).split(":"))) start.reverse() end.reverse() start_seconds = start[0] + start[1] * 60 + start[2] * 3600 end_seconds = end[0] + end[1] * 60 + end[2] * 3600 if start_seconds >= end_seconds: raise ValueError("start_time must be less than end_time if both exist")
[docs] @dataclass class Body(IngestionModel, DataClassJsonMixin): """ A meeting body. This can be full council, a subcommittee, or "off-council" matters such as election debates. Notes ----- If start_datetime is not provided, and the Body did not exist prior to ingestion, the session datetime associated with this ingestion will be used as start_datetime during storage. """ name: str is_active: bool = True start_datetime: datetime | None = None description: str | None = None end_datetime: datetime | None = None external_source_id: str | None = None
[docs] @dataclass class Role(IngestionModel, DataClassJsonMixin): """ A role is a person's job for a period of time in the city council. A person can (and should) have multiple roles. For example: a person has two terms as city council member for district four then a term as city council member for a citywide seat. Roles can also be tied to committee chairs. For example: a council member spends a term on the transportation committee and then spends a term on the finance committee. Notes ----- If start_datetime is not provided, and the Role did not exist prior to ingestion, the session datetime associated with this ingestion will be used as start_datetime during storage. """ title: str body: Body | None = None start_datetime: datetime | None = None end_datetime: datetime | None = None external_source_id: str | None = None
[docs] @dataclass class Seat(IngestionModel, DataClassJsonMixin): """ An electable office on the City Council. I.E. "Position 9". Notes ----- The electoral_area and electoral_type will be updated if changed from prior values. The image will be uploaded or updated in the CDP file storage system. """ name: str electoral_area: str | None = None electoral_type: str | None = None image_uri: str | None = None external_source_id: str | None = None roles: list[Role] | None = None
[docs] @dataclass class EventIngestionModel(IngestionModel, DataClassJsonMixin): """ An event can be a normally scheduled meeting, a special event such as a press conference or election debate, and, can be upcoming or historical. Notes ----- If static_thumbnail_uri and/or hover_thumbnail_uri is not provided, it will be generated during pipeline processing. The earliest session_datetime will be used for the overall event_datetime. """ body: Body sessions: list[Session] event_minutes_items: list[EventMinutesItem] | None = None agenda_uri: str | None = None minutes_uri: str | None = None static_thumbnail_uri: str | None = None hover_thumbnail_uri: str | None = None external_source_id: str | None = None
############################################################################### EXAMPLE_MINIMAL_EVENT = EventIngestionModel( body=Body(name="Full Council"), sessions=[ Session( session_datetime=datetime.utcnow(), video_uri=( "" ), session_index=0, ), ], ) EXAMPLE_FILLED_EVENT = EventIngestionModel( body=Body(name="Full Council"), sessions=[ Session( session_datetime=datetime.utcnow(), video_uri=( "" ), session_index=0, ), Session( session_datetime=datetime.utcnow(), video_uri=( "" ), video_start_time=("00:00:00"), video_end_time=("99:59:59"), caption_uri=( "" # noqa: E501 ), session_index=1, ), ], event_minutes_items=[ EventMinutesItem( minutes_item=MinutesItem(name="Inf 1656"), ), EventMinutesItem( minutes_item=MinutesItem(name="CB 119858"), matter=Matter( name="CB 119858", matter_type="Council Bill", title=( "AN ORDINANCE relating to the financing of the West Seattle Bridge" ), result_status="Adopted", sponsors=[ Person( name="M. Lorena González", seat=Seat( name="Position 9", roles=[ Role(title="Council President"), Role( title="Chair", body=Body(name="Governance and Education"), ), ], ), ), Person( name="Teresa Mosqueda", seat=Seat( name="Position 8", roles=[ Role( title="Chair", body=Body(name="Finance and Housing"), ), Role( title="Vice Chair", body=Body(name="Governance and Education"), ), ], ), picture_uri="", # noqa: E501 ), ], ), supporting_files=[ SupportingFile( name="Amendment 3", uri=( "" "789a0c9f-dd9c-401b-aaf5-6c67c2a897b0.pdf" ), ), ], decision="Passed", votes=[ Vote( person=Person( name="M. Lorena González", seat=Seat( name="Position 9", roles=[ Role(title="Council President"), Role( title="Chair", body=Body(name="Governance and Education"), ), ], ), ), decision="Approve", ), Vote( person=Person( name="Teresa Mosqueda", seat=Seat( name="Position 8", roles=[ Role( title="Chair", body=Body(name="Finance and Housing"), ), Role( title="Vice Chair", body=Body(name="Governance and Education"), ), ], ), ), decision="Approve", ), Vote( person=Person( name="Andrew Lewis", seat=Seat( name="District 7", image_uri="", # noqa: E501 roles=[ Role( title="Vice Chair", body=Body(name="Community Economic Development"), ), ], ), ), decision="Approve", ), Vote( person=Person( name="Alex Pedersen", seat=Seat( name="District 4", roles=[ Role( title="Chair", body=Body("Transportation and Utilities"), ), ], ), ), decision="Reject", ), ], ), ], )